6 Exercises that Burn the most Calories

 by Wilson Iyorah 

Mar 22, 2024

Benefits of exercise

It is so important we burn calories!

Burning calories helps us with weight management, control our blood sugar level, and it helps us prevent health risks like cancer and health problems.

However, oftentimes, we get involved in certain exercises thinking we are burning enough calories, not knowing we are not!

In this article, we present to you 6 full-body workouts that engage every muscle of your body, and will burn the most calories.

Afterall, you need to be sure, you are burning them in great amounts, right?

1. Running

According to many fitness experts, running earns a top spot on the list of the most effective calorie-burning exercises. Whether you're running at a full speed or jogging at a steady pace, running engages multiple muscle groups and can burn calories so fast.

On average, running burns between 10.8 to 16 calories per minute and up to 206 calories per 30 minutes.

2. Biking/Cycling

Your pace at cycling determines how many calories you will burn, if you pedal so fast , you will burn more calories. you can burn anywhere from 250-380 calories per half-hour cycling session.

3. Jump rope (fast pace)

Skipping rope has gone beyond being a play thing for kids. With few minutes or just 30 minutes of jumping rope, you can burn a great deal of calories.

According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes of skipping rope activity can burn up to 375 calories. This incredible exercise does not only burn calories, it also has heart and bones benefits. It also Improves your coordination and agility.

So next time you spot a jumping rope at the gym, don’t feel hesitated to try it!

4. Swimming

Swimming offers a unique combination of cardio and strength training, engaging muscles you never knew you had. But what sets swimming apart is its low-impact nature, making it the perfect exercise for those with joint issues or injuries. You can push yourself to the limit without worrying about the wear and tear on your body.

Not only will you burn a ton of calories and sculpt your physique, but you'll also discover a newfound sense of strength, serenity, and joy in the water.

On average, swimming can burn anywhere from 400 to 700 calories per hour for a person weighing around 155 pounds (70 kilograms). However, individuals who weigh more or swim at a higher intensity may burn even more calories.

5. Burpees

Burpees are a tough but great exercise that burn lots of calories. They work your whole body at once, like your legs, belly, chest, arms and shoulders. They combine squats, push-ups, jumps, and planks all in one movement.

This makes them good for burning calories and getting you in better shape. Ready to make your workouts tougher? Try burpees! You can do them in bursts throughout your workout or add them to a quick, intense routine.

They'll challenge you and help you reach your fitness goals faster.

A 20 minutes of burpees can burn up to 200 to 300 Calories.

6. Stairs Climbing

Yes, you heard that right.

Improving your endurance level and controlling your cholesterol and triglyceride levels, might be achievable by opting for stairs over elevators or escalators whenever possible.

Studies indicate that stair climbing can escalate calorie expenditure significantly—nearly eight to 10 times higher than resting metabolic rates. You can burn up to 70 calories within 10 minutes of stair climbing.

Incorporating this calorie-burning activity into your daily routine can make a substantial difference.

Consider stair climbing as a viable workout option, enhancing it further by incorporating weights to fortify your muscles. Begin by carrying a light weight in each hand and ascend five or more flights of stairs.

This could involve utilizing stairs within your home, utilizing a stair stepper at the gym, or seeking out a location with multiple flights of stairs. After climbing, take a brief rest before repeating the process for your preferred number of repetitions.

This simple yet effective regimen can contribute to your overall fitness and well-being!

Factors that influences Calorie burning

Factors that influences Calorie burning

Muscle Mass: Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain compared to fat tissue. Therefore, individuals with a higher muscle mass tend to burn more calories, even at rest, than those with a higher proportion of body fat.

Age: Metabolic rate typically decreases with age, mainly due to decreases in muscle mass and changes in hormone levels. This decline in metabolism can result in fewer calories burned at rest.

Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as temperature, altitude, and humidity can impact energy expenditure. For example, your body may burn more calories in extreme cold or heat as it works to maintain a stable internal temperature.

Physical Activity Level: The intensity of physical activity you engage in significantly affects calorie burning. Activities such as walking, running, swimming, cycling, weightlifting burn more calories than the likes of Yoga and dancing.

Sleep: Inadequate sleep can disrupt hormone levels related to appetite and metabolism, leading to changes in energy expenditure and potentially affecting calorie burning.

More tips on how to burn Calories

Get Sufficient Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hormone levels related to metabolism, leading to decreased calorie burning and potential weight gain.

Drink Water: Drinking water can temporarily boost metabolism, and staying hydrated helps ensure that your body functions optimally during exercise.

Eat More Protein or take protein supplement: Including protein-rich foods in your diet can increase feelings of fullness and boost metabolism due to the thermic effect of food (TEF), resulting in more calories burned during digestion.

Be Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to burning calories and achieving fitness goals. Aim for regular exercise and maintain a balanced diet to support your efforts

There you have it, 6 exercises that burn the most calories, ensure you try them to burn all those calories.

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